Tarot & Mayan Reading

The answer is in your heart!

I am offering readings for clarity, yes or no, doubts in relationships or to gain self convidence before stepping into a new project.

Are you searching for answers between two different choices, there is also a spread for it.

If you want a full reading you can dive into subconscious pattern and behaviors.


Bist Du gerade auf der Suche? nach einer Antwort, nach einer Entscheidung, Gedanken kreisend ein Thema zu lösen.

Geht es Dir gerade so? Dann melde dich für ein Reading, je mehr Du über deine Absicht bzw. Intension mit mir teilst, desto tiefer kann die Reise gehen.

Für ein "große Arkana" Schicksalsauflegung benötige ich etwa 60 min.

Für eine "kleine Arkana" aktuelle Lebensentscheidungen biete ich gerne für 20 min.

Beides on- und offline HIER zu buchen!


Readings are designed to highlight your gifts and talents. To give you an advise how to integrate your gifts in your day to day life.
Play with your talents!
Break free from self limiting beliefs
Inspiration for the life you wish to create!
Become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself by following your truth
Loving yourself to follow the way of your heart

Spiritual tools
Readings are a tool that you can use for spiritual growth, to connect with an authentic version of yourself! We all have a mission and a purpose
Allowing you to re-ground you in your intentions

I currently offer 1:1 therapy sessions,

Contact me for your session, I love to support you!